Geoklock gives lecture in Paraná

Geoklock gives lecture in Paraná

Geoklock Consultoria e Engenharia Ambiental took part in the 2nd Paraná State Workshop on Impacted Sites, promoted by the Paraná State Institute of Land, Cartography and Geology and by IAP – the Paraná State Environmental Agency. Geoklock’s Client Development Director Norbert Brandsch gave a lecture on the “Application of High-Resolution Tool for Remedial Target Delineation.” Attendants and organizers of the three-day event rated Geoklock’s participation very well. Geoklock is a well-known company, with significant market share and expertise, and has given several courses at both entities in the past.

The lecture included the presentation of Geoklock case studies with use of MIP (Membrane Interface Probe). MIP is a high-resolution tool that can provide a very accurate and swift assessment of an impacted site. “It is exciting when it comes the time to show our numbers, because they demonstrate that we can attain precise and surprising results with a smaller area of investigation and in a shorter time. We showed that by using advanced technology and techniques we gain more accuracy, which reflects in a huge benefit in terms of schedule and time. In the end, what at first may seem like a high investment turns out to be an excellent option, because of the final results. We obtain much more precise assessments, spending much less money.”