Geoklock gives lecture at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Geoklock gives lecture at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry

On April 20, Geoklock’s Client Development director, Norbert Brandsch, gave a lecture on “Time and Cost Minimization in Environmental Investigations” at the Brazilian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This was part of the chamber’s Environmental Committee’s program. “It was a very interesting event and we talked about some of the possibilities associated with the investigation of liabilities using high-resolution equipment,” said Brandsch. According to him, this type of state-of-the-art technology can assess soil contamination and provide much faster solutions. “We gain much in time and accuracy.”

Around 60 consultants and representatives of companies connected with the German Chamber attended the lecture. This subject is of interest to many companies that conduct intense industrial operations. “We met our goal, which was to show our expertise in this field. Geoklock has a very strong presence on the market, with almost 40 years of experience, and is a known leader in this business,” said Norbert Brandsch.

His presentation showed that the application of these methods is possible in different situations – such as during the preparation for cleanup, after or during the remediation process with insufficient results, and even as a preventative action by companies who wish to acquire an area where pollutants were handled. According to him, in most cases an assessment and cleanup are required first. This will prevent future problems after construction works and other improvements have been already implemented in a site. “Each dollar spent during this stage will save 3 dollars in cleanup later,” he says.

Brandsch explains that it is highly unlikely that some type of industrial activity has never been conducted in the past in a site in a large urban area. “Before buying a piece of property, it is always important to have a reliable environmental assessment. By using our high-resolution equipment, we can ensure a much safer acquisition.”

He explained that while the costs for the use of such technologies may seem high at first, end results show that the client is actually saving money, because this is both faster and more efficient than a traditional assessment. And a database makes the decision-making process more assertive and reliable.

“We have a lot of expertise and a highly trained staff. I show all of this in our presentations, and I have been making many presentations this year. We want to expand Geoklock’s market share even more, to enjoy all respect and reputation our company has earned. We want to offer our clients tailored solutions with added value.”