
Preliminary Environmental Assessment

Based on Cetesb's DD 038 guidelines and ABNT 15.515-1, EBP Brazil conducted a Preliminary Assessment in an industrial area mapping possible sources of organochlorine compounds detected as contaminants in groundwater in investigations reported on the site.

The Preliminary Environmental Assessment was performed in industrial area of over 100,000 m2, located in the state of São Paulo, following the guidelines of CETESB Board of Directors Decision N0 038/2017/C and the Brazilian standard ABNT 15.515-1.

The objectives of the Evaluation were to identify and to locate the potential past and present sources of organochlorine contaminants present in the underground water of the site.

The project objectives were achieved by conducting a comprehensive data survey covering the whole area by a technical visit to collect field information, interviewing former employees from several sectors of the company, inspecting documental processes at the environmental agency, observation of aerial temporal photographs, obtaining data from official agencies such as DAEE and Embrapa, as well as the survey of historical drawings of the site.

The data survey allowed us to describe in detail the characteristics of previous and current use of the site, including information regarding preceding uses, changes in processes, products, raw materials and inputs, equipment layout, forms of material storage, solid waste management, underground pipes and tanks, among others.

A radius of 500 meters from the site limits was considered for the survey of data such as the existence of contaminated areas, underground water use, environmental to be protected, among others.

The new information obtained in data survey subsidized the location of the source areas and potential sources of past and present contaminations as well as the chemical substances of interest related to each of them, clarifying the correlation obtained in previous studies.
The result of the Preliminary Assessment allowed the elaboration of an initial conceptual model for the area, relating the potential sources to eventual receivers and providing guidance on subsequent environmental research actions required.