
Location feasibility study

In order to support the decision-making process regarding a new facility for the storage of flammable liquids, Geoklock assessed the environmental and archaeological restrictions to locations inside and in the surroundings of a proposed site.

The project assessed the potential risks posed by the bulk storage of liquid fuels and the proximity to offsite receptors, considering:

  • Air emission from volatile organic compounds – photochemical oxidants that are ozone precursors;
  • The feasibility of the implementation of the works required to cross a river near the proposed area.

Additionally, we analyzed issues such as highway and railway crossings for pipelines to the refinery.

The feasibility of the site location met the following key requirements:

  • The potential risks posed by the bulk storage of liquid fuels to offsite receptors;
  • The air emission from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – photochemical oxidants that are ozone precursors – in a saturated region;
  • The potential need to build aboveground or underground structures for pipeline crossings over or under a river, highway and railway;
  • The compatibility of the project with the potential presence of archeological sites inside and near the site.

Finally, we consulted all applicable regulatory agencies, in the local and state levels, to survey and assess all requirements for the environmental permitting of the project.

Por fim, houve consulta a todos os órgãos reguladores nos âmbitos municipal e estadual a fim de levantar e avaliar todos os requisitos para o licenciamento ambiental do empreendimento.